Using the Object ID Standard and Tainacan Software for Museum Documentation: experiences from Brazil and Mexico




digital repositories, museum documentation, standardized museum documentation, publication of museum on-line collections, Object ID standard, Tainacan software


This ACADEMIC REPORT describes the implementation process of the Object ID standard using Tainacan, a free open-source software which included four museological institutions from different countries  Brazil and Mexico— as a comparative case study. We considered the hypothesis that the two countries share similarities related to cultural contexts and heritage objects. Therefore, we expected similar results, such as the observed benefits of using a documentation software and a metadata schema. In this case study, we present the results of this investigation but, as will be seen, much remains to be done. As a prospect for the future, we are considering to expand the experiment to other standards, such as the Lightweight Information Describing Objects (LIDO) standard.


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Author Biographies

Gloria Donají Velasco Reyes, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), México

Mexican. Majored in Arts by Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana (2010-2014). Master’s in Art History by UNAM (2019-2021); academic exchange in University of Groningen (2019). Master program in Religious and Cultural Heritage. Research areas: cultural heritage and museums.

Dalton Lopes Martins, Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Brazil

Lecturer of the course on Librarianship and the Graduate Program in Information Science at the Faculty of Information Science (FCI) at the UnB. BSc in Electrical Engineering from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) (1997-2002) and Master’s degree in Computer Engineering (Unicamp) (2002-2004). PhD in Information Sciences, Escola de Comunicações e Artes, Universidade de São Paulo (USP) (2009-2012). He is working on the theme of mapping, structural and dynamic analysis of Social Networks in distributed digital environments. Research on the themes of digital repositories, digital collections and interoperability strategies of information systems, linked open data, data science and machine learning with emphasis on the analysis of digital objects. Coordinates the Tainacan research project in partnership with the Ibram.

Luciana Conrado Martins, Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Brasil

Degree in History from the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) (Brazil, 1993-1997), Master’s in Education (2003-2006) and PhD in Education (2007-2011) both from the USP. She holds a Master’s degree in Museology from the Universidad de Valladolid (2003) and a Diploma in Museology from CEMMAE-USP (2000-2001). She has experience in Museology with an emphasis on Museum communication and education, cultural policies and digital technologies, acting mainly on the following themes: strategic planning and planning of museums, communication and education in museums, evaluation, training of teachers and educators in non-formal spaces, relations between formal and non-formal education, public policies and research in museum education. She is research coordinator for the Tainacan research project.

Claudio Molina Salinas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas (IIE), México

Majored in Hispanic language and literatures, Master of Hispanic linguistics and PhD in linguistics by UNAM. His preferred research lines are related to the study and description of heritage terminologies, specialized lexicography (terminography) and documentary languages. Some of his more recent academic products, and which have been recently published, are Un modelo de definiciones terminográficas para un glosario de documentos litúrgicos virreinales de México (2020), and Mexico’s Tradition and Culture Entering the Digital Age: The Mexican Cultural Heritage Repository Project (2019). Currently, he is a researcher at IIE-UNAM, where he is developing a project on the theoretical bases and methodological principles required for building a database of terminological knowledge on arts and archeology in Mexico.


Pedro Ángeles Jiménez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas (IIE), México

PhD in Art History from the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (FFyL-UNAM). He has lectured in the Bachelor’s degree in History and is currently teaching in the Master’s degree in Art History. Author of several books and articles, specialized in painting of New Spain and documentation of cultural heritage. From November 1986 to date he has worked at the IIE-UNAM, first in the Archivo Fotográfico Manuel Toussaint, where he was coordinator from 2005 to 2011. Currently, he coordinates the Unidad de Información para las Artes in the same institute, as well as the working group of the International Committee for Documentation (Cidoc) of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) in Mexico.


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How to Cite

Velasco Reyes, G. D., Lopes Martins, D., Conrado Martins, L., Molina Salinas, C., & Ángeles Jiménez, P. (2021). Using the Object ID Standard and Tainacan Software for Museum Documentation: experiences from Brazil and Mexico. Intervención, 1(23), 256–303.



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