Design and Evaluation of Biosensor Prototypes as a System to Detect Microbiological Risks for Organic Collections in Storage




air, storage, biosensors, collections, organic materials, microorganismos


This RESEARCH addressed the implementation of biosensor prototypes to detect microbiological risks in environments with organic collections. During the first phase, different combinations of supports, culture mediums, and pH indicators were tested in order to design the prototypes in the laboratory, while the second phase saw the prototypes tested in collection storage environments. The best prototypes were chosen during the experimental phase, taking into account the criteria of colony forming-unit (CFU), amount of CFU in the biosensors, and the diversity of isolated fungi. During the second phase, it was possible to conclude that environmental conditions are determining factors for the prototypes’ functionality.


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Author Biographies

Lizeth Patricia Russy-Velandia, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (UMNG), Colombia 

A biologist experienced in the identification of microbiological biodeterioration indicators in bone remains who has dedicated her major to designing and creating biosensor prototypes that have been evaluated in different environmental conditions in collections of an organic nature. She is currently studying a master’s in applied biology in UMNG (Colombia), where she is starting to apply her knowledge in the domain of biotechnology.

María Camila Patiño Ramírez , Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (UMNG), Colombia

An Industrial Microbiologist by the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, master in Museology and Heritage Management by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, she has a master in Diagnostics of the State of Conservation of Historical Heritage by the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Seville, Spain), specialist in university teaching. Her work involves collection care and handling lines, processes of materials’ biodeterioration and preventive conservation through the integration of scientific analysis in the decision-making process. Independent consultant and professor of Biology Applied to Heritage Conservation and Environmental Microbiology at the UMNG (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Russy-Velandia, L. P., & Patiño Ramírez , M. C. (2024). Design and Evaluation of Biosensor Prototypes as a System to Detect Microbiological Risks for Organic Collections in Storage. Intervención, 2(28), 148–190.



Research article