The Media Archaeology Lab (MAL, University of Colorado Boulder, USA) as an Archive


  • Lori Emerson University of Colorado Boulder (CU-Boulder), Estados Unidos de América


Palabras clave:

old media, laboratory, digital literature, practice-based research, media archaeology


Founder and Director of the Media Archaeology Lab (MAL) University of Colorado-Boulder (CU-Boulder), United States of America (USA), Lori Emerson discusses both its history from 2008 to the present and its flexible philosophy of using hands-on access to so-called “old media” as a way to drive teaching, research, and artistic practice. Emerson also provides an OVERVIEW of this laboratory´s holdings, research projects as well as the artist residencies, all of them essential elements for MAL´s mission.


Biografía del autor/a

Lori Emerson, University of Colorado Boulder (CU-Boulder), Estados Unidos de América

Associate Professor with a split appointment in the Department of English and the Intermedia Arts, Writing, and Performance Program (University of Colorado at Boulder [CU-Boulder], Unit­ed States of America). Director of the Media Archaeology Lab (CU-Boulder). Emerson has published about media poetics as well as the history of computing, media archaeology, media theory, and digital humanities. She is currently working on two book projects: Other Networks, a history of telecommunica­tions networks that existed before or outside of the Internet; and the lab book: Situated Practices in Media Studies, co-written by Emerson, Jussi Parikka and Darren Wershler. Author of Read­ing Writing Interfaces: From the Digital to the Bookbound (Uni­versity of Minnesota Press, June 2014). Also co-editor of three collections: The Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media, with Marie-Laure Ryan and Benjamin Robertson (2014); Writing Sur­faces: The Selected Fiction of John Riddell, with Derek Beau­lieu (Wilfred Laurier University Press, 2013); and The Alphabet Game: a bpNichol Reader, with Darren Wershler (Coach House Books 2007).


ELMCIP (n.d.). Electronic Literature as a Model of Creativity, Available from [], Accessed on 22 October 2015.

ELD (n.d.). Electronic Literature Directory, Available from [http://], Accessed on 22 October 2015.

Hogan, Mél (n.d.). Mél Hogan [web page], Available from [http://melho¬], Accessed on 29 October 2015.

Kittler, Friedrich (1985). Discourse Networks 1800/1900, Redwood City, Cali¬fornia, Standford University Press.

Marinetti, F.T. (2013). Selected Poems and Related Prose, Luce Marinetti (ed.), New Haven, CT, Yale University Press.

McLuhan, Marshall (1964). Understanding Media, New York, McGraw-Hill.

Nichol, bp (1983). First Screening [computer program poem], Toronto, Underwhich Editions.

Tzara, Tristan (2005). Chanson Dada: Tristan Tzara Selected Poems, Lee Harwood Boston (trans.), Black Widow Press.

AIMS (2013). “Appendix I: Digital Archivist Community”, Library of Virginia aims: An Inter-Institutional Model for Stew¬ardship, Available from [ files/2013/02/AIMS_final_A4_appI.pdf], Accessed on No¬vember 2015.

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Cómo citar

Emerson, L. (2016). The Media Archaeology Lab (MAL, University of Colorado Boulder, USA) as an Archive. Intervención, (13), 43–47.


