Collecting to Build Nation: A Review of Collecting Mexico: Museums, Monuments, and the Creation of National Identity by Shelley Garrigan
museums, public collections, national identity, international market, MexicoAbstract
The book 200 años del Palacio de Minería: su historia a partir de fuentes documentales (200 Years of the Palacio de Minería [Mining Palace]: A History Based on Documentary Sources) is a commemorative work, product of a three-year research project fulfilled by an interdisciplinary team of eleven specialists consisting of historians, architects, restoration experts and sociologists. The central focus of the volume is the history of the construction of the ancient Mining School of Mexico City and of the interventions the building has undergone during the last two centuries: interventions carried out in order to maintain the physical integrity of the school of mining and to adapt its spaces to new uses required by the teaching of engineering - by taking into account the context that gave shape to the construction of the building, its modifications and its continuity. The authors explored those themes on the basis of a collection of important documentary sources, by studying the evidence the building itself that retains and the traces of its various interventions.
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