Local Knowledge of Wool Dyeing in a Mazahua Community in the State of Mexico





Dyeing techniques, Local knowledge, Mazahua, Indigo, Cochineal


The dyeing of wool is part of the cultural heritage of the Mazahua people. In the community of Santa Rosa de Lima, local knowledge of their techniques has been lost due to various social and economic factors. An ethnographic survey was conducted to make a comparative analysis of the dyeing processes between 1995 and 2017. This survey highlights, among its main findings, that although the techniques have varied and there are deficiencies in the processes, the local women maintain their tradition and manage to obtain the colors required for their clothing. These colors, and the dyeing materials from which they come (mainly indigo and cochineal), are closely related to Mazahua women’s cultural identity.


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Author Biographies

Sergio Franco Maass, Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Rurales Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM), Mexico

He has a Master of Science degree from the University of Glasgow, Great Britain, and a Ph.D. in Geography from the Universidad de Alcalá, Spain. He is a researcher at the Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México and is a member of the Sistema
Nacional de Investigadores (SNI, level II). He has specialized in studying natural resources, particularly in the use made by rural communities of non-timber forest resources such as edible wild mushrooms and dye plants. He has published in journals of international renown, including Economic Botany, Journal of Mountain Science, Forest Policy and Economics, Mycoscience, and Madera y Bosques.

Yolanda Cruz Balderas, Facultad de Antropología Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM), Mexico

Master in Social Anthropology by the uaem. She has a diploma in handicrafts given by the Government of the State of Mexico and has taken anthropological photography and new anthropological theories courses given by the Coordinación Nacional de Antropología. She is a founding member of the Red Nacional de Difusión y Extensión de la Cultura and is a full-time academic at the Facultad de Antropología of the UAEM. She has published in diverse prestigious magazines like Economic Botany and Agroproductividad and has collaborated in books like La Danza de los Arrieros, Espacios de Cultura Otopame, and Miradas contemporáneas de los pueblos originarios en México.


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How to Cite

Franco Maass, S., & Cruz Balderas, Y. (2020). Local Knowledge of Wool Dyeing in a Mazahua Community in the State of Mexico. Intervención, 2(22), 245–295. https://doi.org/10.30763/Intervencion.238.v2n22.17.2020



Research article