Intervention Criteria in the Restoration of the Panel Painting Christ tied to the column from the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art in Salamanca, Spain, which was attributed to Luis de Morales




panel painting, Christ Tied to the Column, Luis de Morales, Museo Diosesano de Arte Sacro de Salamanca, restoration


The following article aims to explain the restoration process carried out during 2021 of the panel painting Christ Tied to the Column, an unprecedented work by Luis de Morales. After its discovery in the town of Alba de Tormes (Salamanca, Spain), probably coming from the church of San Juan Bautista in the aforementioned town, this work is now part of the permanent exhibition Misterio Admirable (Admirable Mystery) at the Museo Diocesano de Arte Sacro de Salamanca (Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art of Salamanca), inaugurated in March 2023, in the Episcopal Palace of Salamanca. The intervention carried out in the piece stands out for the scientific method application for its attribution, and because, the whole restoration process was combined with the theological sense that contributes to the 17th-century setting and the iconological meaning.


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Author Biographies

Alejandra del Barrio Luna, Diputación de Salamanca, Spain

Sculpture Restorer from Escuela Superior de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales (ESCRBC, Higher School of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets, Spain) and Art Historian from the University of Valladolid. She carries out her professional work as a technician in the conservation and restoration of cultural assets for various public and private organizations. Furthermore, she has published academic research and has obtained several scholarships. She is a teacher in several academic courses at the ESCRBC, in the specialty of sculpture, and at the Junta de Castilla y León. She has published several articles on art history and restoration, and she was awarded a scholarship by the Provincial Council of Salamanca with which she developed the study of Popular Architecture in the Town of Cepeda.

Eduardo Azofra Agustín, Universidad de Salamanca (Usal), Spain

Professor of Art History at Usal. He studies the languages of classicism and the criteria of intervention in Spanish architecture of the second half of the 18th century. His doctoral thesis obtained the Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the University of Salamanca in 2003, which dealt with the life and work of the architect Juan de Sagarbinaga (1710-1797). Two books were published as a result of this: Del barroco cortesano a la recuperación de Herrera. La obra del arquitecto Juan de Sagarbinaga en la provincia de Burgos (2009) and La obra del arquitecto Juan de Sagarbinaga en la ciudad de Salamanca (2010). He is the author of several publications, referring especially to the religious silverware of the Diocese of Ciudad Rodrigo and the artistic heritage of the University of Salamanca. His research focuses on the study of the historical use of stone in the immovable heritage of Castilla y León, highlighting his participation as co-editor of the book: Stone in Monumental Heritage (Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2022).

Tomás Gil Rodrigo, Servicio Diocesano de Patrimonio Artístico y Cultural y de Evangelización de la Cultura Spain

He develops his theological work as a priest of the Bishopric of Salamanca, being responsible for the conservation and restoration of the movable property of the diocese. Among his work, he has coordinated and managed the new museum-process of the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art of Salamanca in the permanent exhibition: Misterio admirable.


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How to Cite

del Barrio Luna, A., Azofra Agustín, E., & Gil Rodrigo, T. (2024). Intervention Criteria in the Restoration of the Panel Painting Christ tied to the column from the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art in Salamanca, Spain, which was attributed to Luis de Morales. Intervención, 1(29), 95–146.



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